Ordering & Payment

Payment Methods

  • We accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express
  • Personal checks and money orders: Please allow 5-7 business days for check to clear.
  • Gift certificates: the original MUST be sent back to us
  • Store credit memo: the original MUST be sent back to us

International orders

Customers are responsible for all duties and brokerage fees. If order amount exceeds $200, payment may be required by wire transfer or PayPal, and you will receive instructions via email.

In-store pick-up orders

If you're interested in ordering online in advance and picking up at our SoHo or Chelsea Market locations, please contact customer service at:

  • (800) 878-2446 or (212) 431-4770
  • customerservice@pearlriver.com


Discounts and promotions are applicable to merchandise only. They cannot be applied to shipping charges or sales tax.

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