CBS: Pearl River Mart: An ‘Asian American Wonderland Emporium’ Is Reborn In SoHo
Thanks so much to Elle McLogan, Emmy-nominated host and creator of The Dig at CBS, and Cindy Hsu, Emmy-winning CBS anchor and reporter, for always highlighting small businesses like Pearl River.
Elle spoke with founders Mr. and Mrs. Chen about the many lives of Pearl River, from its start 50 years ago to "chapter two" under the helm of daughter-in-law Joanne Kwong.
So what's Mr. Chen secret to Pearl River's surviving for 50 years? "Fifteen-hour days and one meal a day," he says, at least at the beginning. "Hardship is nothing if you're [working] toward a greater goal."
"What we're doing is more than just business," Mrs. Chen adds. "We are trying to build a bridge. I don't mind sweeping the floor. I don't mind doing anything small because this is your business. You know you're working toward a bigger picture. And that's your drive."
Watch the whole video.