Mystic Knot Tassels
Containing multiple infinity symbols, the Mystic Knot represents a long and happy life blessed with richness and good fortune. It’s also used as a token of everlasting love and togetherness, as well as a potent symbol of protection.
Represents the element of fire, and because of its intensity, is considered a lucky color.
Basic meanings: Hot, bold, daring, high voltage, lucky
Considered a “social” color — one that is happy, vibrant, and eye-catching.
Basic meanings: Creative, exuberant, lively, fun-loving, extroverted
Cheerful and uplifting. It can also trigger the intellect, as it’s mentally stimulating.
Basic meanings: Happy, sunny, enlivening, powerful, active, cheerful
Represents balance, growth, and abundance. It can also signify youthfulness.
Basic meanings: Healing, balanced, expanding, lively, prosperous, fresh
Establishes calm. The color of the sky and ocean, blue, gives a sense of vastness.
Basic meanings: Truth, communication, peace, calm, spiritually attuned
A feeling of royalty, wealth, and high spirituality
Basic meanings: Rich, noble, deep, quiet, wise
The color of unconditional love, softness, and receptivity.
Basic meanings: Love, nurturing, romance, peace
Radiates bright, vibrant energy and attracts good luck.
Basic meanings: Wealth, prosperity, money
Enhances concentration as well as gives off the impression of professional authority and discipline.
Basic meanings: Protective, secretive, mysterious, hidden
New beginnings, purity, and innocence.
Basic meanings: Cleansing, pure, light, free, whole