#StarringJohnCho: The Call for an Asian American Lead (May 18–July 7, 2019)
Who do you picture when you think of a Hollywood movie star? Bradley Cooper? Jennifer Lawrence? How about John Cho? Or Constance Wu? What if the stars of movies like Mission Impossible, Captain Marvel, and The Avengers were Asian American? What if Captain America was Captain Asian America?
These are some of the questions screenwriter, creative strategist, and activist William Yu explored in #StarringJohnCho: The Call for an Asian American Lead.
Featuring the campaign's Photoshopped movie posters, as well as videos from Yu's sequel video project #SeeAsAmStar, the exhibition not only invited you to imagine what an Asian American leading man or woman looks like — it showed you with stunning visuals and an interactive portion that makes you the hero of your own story.
About the artist
Born in Philadelphia, raised in Hong Kong, educated in Boston, and seasoned in New York, William Yu is a Korean American screenwriter who tells sharp, biting stories about witty underdogs who upend the systems they’ve been held back by.