Fancy Earl Grey Tea
This congou or high quality Chinese black tea has been scented with the oil from bergamot, a citrus fruit native to Italy, as well as orange peel and blue cornflower.
- Flavor profile: Floral with lemony citrus and a bit of grapefruit
- Caffeine content: High
What's black tea?
Black tea is the most oxidized of all the teas. In oxidation tea leaves are exposed to the air to dry and darken. The more oxidized a tea is, the stronger it is. From strongest to lightest are black, oolong, green, and white teas.
Health benefits of black tea include:
- Antioxidants
- Possible anti-cancer effects
- Heart health
- Improved metabolism
- Gut health
Please note all black teas contain caffeine and should be consumed in moderation.