Our Next Art Exhibition Opens Soon!
So excited to announce our next art exhibition — and this one is extra-special: it's curated by our own creative manager (and sometime fashion model), Christine Wong!
Christine is also an author, cook, and photographer, and has brought together a group of talented food photographers in "REUNION: Food as Culture, Community, and Coming Home."
- Dan Ahn @danahn17
- Ben Hon @stuffbeneats
- Lily Morello @lilybubbletea
- Sheil Shukla @plantbasedartist
- Christine Wong @conscious_cooking
- Jessie YuChen @thelescook
The artists come from variety of backgrounds — Korean, Chinese, Malaysian, and Indian — and have had their work appear in Vogue, Cherry Bombe, Bon Appétit, The New York Times, Saveur, and more.
"The photographers I chose were based on how their images tell a story," says Christine. "The way they evoke a sense of beauty and nostalgia but also make people hungry."
To celebrate REUNION, we're hosting an opening reception on Feb. 1 from 6 to 8 PM in our Soho location at 452 Broadway. The event is free but registration is appreciated.
REUNION will be on view in our Soho gallery through April 21. See you soon!