Pearl River President Joanne Kwong speaks to Roger Clark of NY1

Celebrating the Year of the Rat with Roger Clark and NY1

In addition to eating dumplings, enjoying lion dancing, and giving (or getting) hong bao, a Lunar New Year tradition we always look forward to is talking to Roger Clark of NY1 — and this year was no different!

Pearl River President Joanne Kwong spoke to the veteran reporter about the Year of the Rat and Lunar New Year traditions, and showed off our gorgeous display of good luck decor, charms, and, of course, food!

Beautiful table display of Lunar New Year decorations and food

Roger also talked with Jerry Ma, comic book artist extraordinaire and our current artist-in-residence, about his exhibition, A CHINATOWN ODYSSEY, a retelling of a very old tale in a modern urban setting.

Comic book artist Jerry Ma talks to Roger Clark of NY1

Thanks so much to Roger and the whole NY1 crew as always!

Check out the whole story and even more behind-the-scenes pics.
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